Saturday, May 17, 2014


      ourWorld is a game were you can be your self and date and get married but to do that you have to be at level 100 which I think is buty. So I am on level 10 and I have 90 more levels until I get there, so you can find me as daisy115 and I am in a club so you should try to find a club or make your own club at the club place. 

     So you can play games for exp and do missions for coins and other things and some time your club gives out missions and gifts, so if I were you I would find a really good club.

 My favorite games are Puppy Poker, Critter Derby and Slots because I love to play Poker and Slots the last one because I love races and winning but I lose alot in my backyard. 

Oh! Did I tell you, you get a condo and a club condo. Now were was I?  That's it, now back to my backyard, I live by the beach and there is this game called Critter Garden were you hatch eggs and sell them but first you need a nest. You have to be on level 9 to get a job and  the more you level up the more islands you get. Some things you have to be a resident to do like go to the beach, but I am not one but I went there before following my friend there that's the only time they let you in. That's why I say that ourWorld rocks . 

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